The guts


What goes into these guys?  Quite a bit really.  I often get asked (as many makers do): how long does it take to make one?  It’s a hard question to answer.

Choosing the colour, figuring out the attitude can take a while.  Sometimes I stand in the middle of my room scanning my fabric searching for the right feel, mood, and combination.

Once I get the idea I get to the cutting.  This green fur is suuuuper fluffy.  I very carefully cut it with a razor to minimize the fibers that float around.

If I can, I work on a few at a time.  I find working on a few similar ones lets by brain relax and come up with variations or a new way to approach it.

There lots of details that must be attended to.

The sensitive edges are serged off  to improve strength and keep the fur where it belongs.

There is always a bit of hand sewing.  Which I save for when I need to get some work done but feel like sitting upstairs in a sun beam (and perhaps with a cup of coffee).

I’ll just say each takes hours, but I don’t really want to count them.  I want to enjoy them.  And I hope, in turn, you enjoy many hours with these guys as well.

A little view of a very exposed looking gnome (top left).  I add these little inserts (and then sew a cover over it) to give the mouth some form.  I find it makes the mouth much easier to manipulate.  A puppet should be comfortable and easy to use

The wild man on the right is having his mouth sewn through the middle.  This ensures all the bits stay where I want and the mouth moves properly.

This doesn’t feel like an end but it will have to be for now.  Because..  market madness….I must head back down and bust a needle.