

Check this out!   Ryan Bradshaw stopped by Art in the Park this year and mentioned that he and Eloise perform spoken word together on occasion.    I was pretty excited when he said he had a video of her in action. Here it is!


Eloise is a puppet I made for the first Flock and Gather market I ever attended (as a vendor).  I remember driving my van up to St. Joseph’s hall on that wintry Friday feeling super nervous.  What would people think of what I did?  What did I get myself into?  It turned out to be tons of fun and the beginning of a lot more puppet makery.

This weekend I chatted with a few people who told me how much fun they have with the puppets they’ve adopted over the years.  Many people mentioned their puppet by name which makes me imagine that maybe they have become little family members. Thank you for sharing your stories with me!